Tuesday, September 06, 2005

If you blog it they will come...

O.k. so a friend kindly pointed out that I'm not really updating my blog.

Now who in the world would want to read the rants, ravings and incessant droning of an old, nearly senile misanthrope like me???

Originally I created my blog so I could post on another friends blog. Now it just sort of functions as a pseudo-website for me... until I could get my lazy butt around to designing a real website (which when done someday will be parked at DirtyUnicorn.com )

I mean if I post my assorted daily drivel who would even read it?

I do admit a certain strange fascination with reading other blogs. It's fascinating (and a bit voyeristic) to peek into other peoples lives. To compare lifestyles and interests with people on the other side of the country and even the globe! So maybe... just maybe someone as demented as me is out there in the vast electronic ethereal who will find something I write here interesting.

Well I guess I've resigned myself to give it a shot.

If nothing else it's gotta be good for the psyche... or the id... or the karma... or something!?!

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