Saturday, December 17, 2005

Einstein's Brain

Found this while looking for this picture to tease my friend Simple American about. Pretty deep stuff actually and a little disturbing.

In the next 30 years or so I predict that the sanctity of life will be lost. That is to say that a person will be defined legally by their personality not their form. Assisted suicide, cloning, brain transplants, and genetic conditioning... it will all come to be. Eugenics at it's most base. And I know this because humans are depressingly vain beings who as a whole are less than their combined parts.

From Driving Mr. Albert : A Trip Across America with Einstein's Brain:
"Even now there are doctors who claim in our lifetimes we will see the first brain transplant or that cloning will become an everyday occurrence. In essence, they predict that science, not religion, will guarantee us an afterlife. And yet I can't help but wonder what Einstein would make of America if he sat in the backseat now -- or, perhaps, what he will make of it when he sits in the backseat again. And I wonder if this kind of afterlife would be so great after all. Einstein's brain in the body of Fabio? Or Einstein regenerated, living a life on top of the life he's already led, doomed by the accomplishments of his former self. A life already confined, categorized, and collated before it's even begun again. What would it feel like to be born with an FBI file already open on you? Or to know you had once revolutionized the world with your work, but then never found true love? Might you try to trade one for the other? Or would you just sit around smoking pot all day, rebelling againt yourself?"

Friday, December 16, 2005

Where am I going... and where the hell have I been?

Wow! I cannot believe I went this long without blogging a post! Yikes. I have been super busy and I have been trying to sort out all sorts of things in my professional and personal life. I'm taking a long hard look at what I want out of life and what I am getting out of it. Life is too damn short to waste it - and I have wasted plenty!

As the end of the year approaches I have a lot of ideas and energy for January. First and foremost is finishing up my 2 RPG projects. That will land me some backend sales on Flatlands and more importantly get my shoddy work back in the public eye ;)
Flatlands is great, but now it's time to build the brand. Which is exactly what I intend to do next year :)

The other big thing I want to do ASAP is get an nice website going. It's just pathetic that my site consists of this blog and a link to my publishers page! I need some proper virtual real estate so I dun look like such a dweeb lol! Not that my publishers have a bad site or that they don't work thier collective a$$ off to promote my stuff. In fact it's the complete opposite (go there now! buy lots of stuff! ;) It's just that I need to be a *little* vain if I'm going to expect anyone to take my work seriously. It's just smart business to have a website (and like I kind of do that for a living soooo... it's pretty dumb for me not to do it for myself!)

Finally I need to start really exploring my art and getting a hell of a lot better at it. I want to grow and learn and start creating really exquisite pieces. I also need to get out more and start spending less time on the computer and more time in the "real" (sic) world.