Friday, December 16, 2005

Where am I going... and where the hell have I been?

Wow! I cannot believe I went this long without blogging a post! Yikes. I have been super busy and I have been trying to sort out all sorts of things in my professional and personal life. I'm taking a long hard look at what I want out of life and what I am getting out of it. Life is too damn short to waste it - and I have wasted plenty!

As the end of the year approaches I have a lot of ideas and energy for January. First and foremost is finishing up my 2 RPG projects. That will land me some backend sales on Flatlands and more importantly get my shoddy work back in the public eye ;)
Flatlands is great, but now it's time to build the brand. Which is exactly what I intend to do next year :)

The other big thing I want to do ASAP is get an nice website going. It's just pathetic that my site consists of this blog and a link to my publishers page! I need some proper virtual real estate so I dun look like such a dweeb lol! Not that my publishers have a bad site or that they don't work thier collective a$$ off to promote my stuff. In fact it's the complete opposite (go there now! buy lots of stuff! ;) It's just that I need to be a *little* vain if I'm going to expect anyone to take my work seriously. It's just smart business to have a website (and like I kind of do that for a living soooo... it's pretty dumb for me not to do it for myself!)

Finally I need to start really exploring my art and getting a hell of a lot better at it. I want to grow and learn and start creating really exquisite pieces. I also need to get out more and start spending less time on the computer and more time in the "real" (sic) world.

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