Thursday, September 15, 2005

Hackin' Up a Lung

I've always had a productive cough. That's a nice way of saying when I cough it sounds like I'm "hawking up a luggie" ewww. I wake up most mornings and sound like a heavy cougher. Nasty stuff. I don't smoke, but I do joke about second hand smoke, because I live with a smoker. Living with someone who smokes in the house is tough for a non-smoker. You never really get used to it.

Anyway I've lived with this problem since I was a kid, but lately I have had some scary bouts of feeling like a heavy weight was on my chest. Whenever I would get like that I could usually use Primatine Mist (over the counter) to clear out my lungs, but this weekend it didn't seem to help much.

Then I read about CF (Cystic Fibrosis) and got scared enough to go see the Doc and ask for some real answers as to why I have this chronic problem. She doesn't feel I'm a candidate for that terrible disease as unfortunately it kills most afflicted with it before they reach their mid-thirties. I also lack a history of it in my family. She took a listen to my chest and told me that I do have some rattling going on in there. She ordered a whole battery of x-rays, blood tests and put me on some antibiotics and a weird disc shaped inhaler called advair. I like her. She gets right down to business ;) Hopefully it's just allergies and a mild case of asthma.

I blame the cat... he's shifty eyed and I think he wants me out of the picture (probably laying on my face at night trying to smother me - lil bastard :P

1 comment:

DirtyUnicorn said...

So far the medicine seems to be working awesome. Still haven't gone to get my x-ray or blood work yet *sigh*. Hoepfully I can tear away from work for an hour this week and get it done and over with. :P