Thursday, May 11, 2006

Lost Part Deux

So my DVR decided to screw up and I missed the bulk of the latest episode (nooooo!). I can say judging form the last 12 minutes that I caught I would have been wrong about a few things. Fortunately they also confirmed a few things in my mind.

In a stroke of luck and genius has the last episode up available for free viewing this week so I was able to watch the entire episode. :D

So here we go
(spoilers abound.... turn back ye who would not want to know):

The Dharma Experiment: well I had hoped that Dharma wasn't just a mind game. I was actually surpised that the mind game involved more than just the button. I really wanted them to be a cool late 70's / early 80's science complex. Ah well. Regardless I feel strongly on 2 things about this.

1) Dharma is dead. The experiment is long since over and "abandoned" for whatever reasons. The others are NOT a part of Dharma. We should find this out by the finale.

2) The Experiment is not ongoing. Whatever is happening to the losties is not an experiment. Whatever Dharma was doing has nothing to do with we are seeing now.

Desmond: makes a return for the finale. Biggest surprise here is that Clancy Brown who is a really cool actor (loved him in Earth 2) is tied in. If you remember Clancy played a CIA specialist named Joe Inman who taught Sayid how to torture in the Gulf War. Well guess what? Our mysterious CIA spook ends up on the island only now his name is Kelvin Inman... the same Kelvin who came running out of the jungle to grab Desmond and bring him back to the hatch.
Now what is a CIA operative doing here hmmm....

Speaking of Desmond it was his boat that brought that snazzy new washer to the island along with himself of course (well that's my theory anyways ;))

Michael: still gonna die. Sorry folks, but I just don't see him living out the season. In fact I'm rasing my death toll up to four by the end of finale (4 graves next to Ekos church):

Walt: gone, gone, gone. The Others have taken off with Walt. We won't see Walt until next season. Sucks I know.

The thing to remember folks is that this story is actually about the island NOT the Losties. Don't grow fond of anyone in particular (and though Jack is the "hero" he was originally scripted to be bumped off in the pilot episode... would have been played by Michael Keaton too, now that would have been cool!)

The Others Camp: well I can admit when I'm wrong. Turns out the Otehrs don't exactly have a fort / town. At least not how I envisioned it. They have a coastal camp made up of rather elaborate tent like huts (better than canvas tents or Gilligan grass huts however).

They also do have a "hatch" of sorts. There's a really big set of doors set into a cliff wall where they are - bunker doors. If you listen carefully to the new orientation video this is the bunker mentioned in it. PS - the ferry mentioned in it is the small boat the others used to grab Walt in.

The Others have broke camp however and are gone. They are good at running away.

Sayid may find that sea cable here and follow it out into the ocean. I think it's for a hydro generator under the sea. This more than likely also powers the radio broadcasting tower as well.

Locke: will NOT want to push the button. In fact I think he wants to blast the computer into bits, but Eko won't stand for that at all. In the end Eko and Locke must battle over the button. The results of which we will see when the button doesn't get pushed. No matter what Dharma says NOT pushing that button IS going to create an effect in a big way.

Vincent: I wonder what Vincent (yes the dog) will see in the hold of the airplane right before the crash. Hmmm...

Plenty to keep us guessing! Only 2 airings and 3 hours of LOST left!!!


DirtyUnicorn said...

Walt will be back for season 3 along with an explanation of why he has grown (although honestly the kid has only shot up a few inches. I think they need to worry about his voice changing ;))

The producers said in a podcast they learner their lesson last year with the hatch and how everyone was pissed at leaving it with just Jack and Locke looking down into a daark hole. Made it sound like they are going to show us something really cool and then not explain it (which is just as bad)

Imagine the clock winds down and we jump to the LOST camp where everyone sees a mushroom cloud rising in the distance. Then end scene.
(Think this far fetched check out the previews they showed at the end of last weeks episode - the losties are looking at something in awe and it ain't good :O)

I just LOVE this show. Along with Mythbusters & (sheepishly) American Inventor it's my only "must sees" right now. I also try to keep up with 24, Invasion, My Name is Earl and I'm starting to dig Ghost Hunters which I didn't think I would like as much as I do. Too much decent television ;)

DirtyUnicorn said...

Well, well, well we get to find out what happens when you try to leave the island by boat (I'm guessing just about the same thing as trying to elave by raft).

"Relax said the madman. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave"