I have had a wild hair lately for things superhero-ish. I dug out all my old notes for a really cool game idea I had and to do "research" I recently tried out City of Hereos. Fun game, but it really lacks any roleplaying element. You can pretty much create any kind of classic superhero that you like however (which is prolly why Marvel is suing them right now). Tons and tons of costume options and good selection of powers as well.
My favorite childhood hero is Iron Man so I created a hulking suit of power armor called the Tritanium Avenger. Actually he wasn't originally called Tritanium Avenger, but much like AOL screen names and Yahoo e-mail addresses nearly EVERY name ever thought of has been taken. You have to get clever with 2 and 3 word names to create a character... or really dumb like ray-mond, buttrcheeks, or DuCkWaD (actual names I have seen - ugh)
I'm not sure if I will actually play it after my free month is up, but for now it's an interesting diversion. Not that I NEED diversions right now (nor wild hairs).
I was never into online games, but now with newer computers and high speed access they seem to have all the lag issues worked out that used to plague games 5 and 6 years ago. Too bad they can't work out the social problems which still do plague them.
In one funny / embarassing experience I teamed up with another player and we fought for a while side by side until he announced "I have to go to bed now" followed by "I'm only 9"
You can imagine how lame that makes a 30-something year old guy like me feel. :O
I also had a teen tell me "cool you're as old as my pops"
I took that as a compliment. My poor ego just couldn't have handled two old-fart incidents ;)
If you happen to play this game and you see a big guy named Tritanium Avenger flying by be sure to give him a shout. :)
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