Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Too busy to post, too busy to think

I have been crazy busy lately and haven't had a whole lot of time to devote to my blog (or my company either). I hope to do something bigger with Dirty Unicorn Games, but I don't have it all worked out yet in my head so who knows... also trying to help the missus launch a new line of cool fantasy art-ish things. Stay tuned. Like MacArthur I shall return! (unlike him I won't leave anyone behind eh? :O )

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Still LOST

Well surprise, surprise, surprise. I was as wrong about as many things as I was right. They certainly fooled me good.

Spoilers WARNING!!!

Michael didn't die (at least not yet). Does look like he will be out of the picture with Walt for a while (I knew they had to take those 2 characters out of the story for a while)

The others camp was a big sham. That surprised me a lot and the fake hatch doors really blew me away. Did not expect that.

Eko and John went head to head. Lo and behold something bad really DOES happen when you don't push the button (like planes dropping out the sky)

The main thing that pisses me off is they gave us so little. They explained a few minor things, but introduced a host of new mysterys without explaining any of the current ones (the monster, the others, the whispers, the black rock, Rossueaus team, the "illness", the numbers etc etc)

Then to leave so many characters up in the air for the season was a little much.

This show needs to ramp up. Being spoon fed so little is really not fun anymore.

Ah well on to other things for the summer and beyond!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Company loves Misery

Man do I feel blah! I think I picked up a flu bug (so I have that icky-stuffy headed-so-you-can't-sleep feeling). It is draining my mojo. ugh.

To make matters worse (or maybe BECAUSE of) I am starting on some diet meds which make me nervous, irritable and give me mild insomonia at night (yea!)

So if I seem out sorts please forgive me. I'm just fighting my own body. Should get it all sorted out soon.

Guess I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing felt markers!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Back to Safari

The wifey (oh so beautiful) has convinced me to make a weekend out of it and we are returning to the dark continent (or at least Busch Gardens - yea season passes) for Mothers Day. So I'm pulling the plug in my head outr of computer land for the weekend. Have fun m8s and see you Monday!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Lost Part Deux

So my DVR decided to screw up and I missed the bulk of the latest episode (nooooo!). I can say judging form the last 12 minutes that I caught I would have been wrong about a few things. Fortunately they also confirmed a few things in my mind.

In a stroke of luck and genius has the last episode up available for free viewing this week so I was able to watch the entire episode. :D

So here we go
(spoilers abound.... turn back ye who would not want to know):

The Dharma Experiment: well I had hoped that Dharma wasn't just a mind game. I was actually surpised that the mind game involved more than just the button. I really wanted them to be a cool late 70's / early 80's science complex. Ah well. Regardless I feel strongly on 2 things about this.

1) Dharma is dead. The experiment is long since over and "abandoned" for whatever reasons. The others are NOT a part of Dharma. We should find this out by the finale.

2) The Experiment is not ongoing. Whatever is happening to the losties is not an experiment. Whatever Dharma was doing has nothing to do with we are seeing now.

Desmond: makes a return for the finale. Biggest surprise here is that Clancy Brown who is a really cool actor (loved him in Earth 2) is tied in. If you remember Clancy played a CIA specialist named Joe Inman who taught Sayid how to torture in the Gulf War. Well guess what? Our mysterious CIA spook ends up on the island only now his name is Kelvin Inman... the same Kelvin who came running out of the jungle to grab Desmond and bring him back to the hatch.
Now what is a CIA operative doing here hmmm....

Speaking of Desmond it was his boat that brought that snazzy new washer to the island along with himself of course (well that's my theory anyways ;))

Michael: still gonna die. Sorry folks, but I just don't see him living out the season. In fact I'm rasing my death toll up to four by the end of finale (4 graves next to Ekos church):

Walt: gone, gone, gone. The Others have taken off with Walt. We won't see Walt until next season. Sucks I know.

The thing to remember folks is that this story is actually about the island NOT the Losties. Don't grow fond of anyone in particular (and though Jack is the "hero" he was originally scripted to be bumped off in the pilot episode... would have been played by Michael Keaton too, now that would have been cool!)

The Others Camp: well I can admit when I'm wrong. Turns out the Otehrs don't exactly have a fort / town. At least not how I envisioned it. They have a coastal camp made up of rather elaborate tent like huts (better than canvas tents or Gilligan grass huts however).

They also do have a "hatch" of sorts. There's a really big set of doors set into a cliff wall where they are - bunker doors. If you listen carefully to the new orientation video this is the bunker mentioned in it. PS - the ferry mentioned in it is the small boat the others used to grab Walt in.

The Others have broke camp however and are gone. They are good at running away.

Sayid may find that sea cable here and follow it out into the ocean. I think it's for a hydro generator under the sea. This more than likely also powers the radio broadcasting tower as well.

Locke: will NOT want to push the button. In fact I think he wants to blast the computer into bits, but Eko won't stand for that at all. In the end Eko and Locke must battle over the button. The results of which we will see when the button doesn't get pushed. No matter what Dharma says NOT pushing that button IS going to create an effect in a big way.

Vincent: I wonder what Vincent (yes the dog) will see in the hold of the airplane right before the crash. Hmmm...

Plenty to keep us guessing! Only 2 airings and 3 hours of LOST left!!!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

LOST Predictions

I love LOST. I mean I think it is just absolutely addicting and my hat is off to the writers and producers. I have never seen a story so unpredictable and tantalizing. Every episode leaves you thinking WTF!?

Tonight we will resume new episodes of LOST as we head to the finale of this season. Since I have managed to peg a few things in the past that have turned out to be true I thought I would write this down for posterity before the new shows air.

O.k. let's see how wrong I cna be. Here are MY predictions for LOST:

Sawyer: Sleeps with Ana-Lucia (o.k. that's not really a prediction, it's insider information).
Gives up the guns to Jack and the other losties which leads to:

Michael: Is going to lead the Losties into a trap. This is a way to remove the guns from the story line. The Others will take the guns. And this leads to:

Deaths: 2 people will die. My thinking is it will be Ana and Michael.
Ana is too strong of a character. She's a cop. She can use a gun. She has killed 2 people already. The story needs to remove Ana to prevent the losties from becoming too organized and actually forming "an army"
Poor Michael may be removed just to wrap up the Mike wants to get Walt back story arc. I don't think the show is ready to give up the secrets of Walt and even if they do, they won't put Walt back into the hands of the heroes. PS - Mike may be the one that shoots Ana Lucia (or Ana may be the one who shoots Mike for that matter, him being a "traitor" hmmm)

Other random thoughts:

Locke: hmmm... I think John's condition is psychosomatic and that he can walk. Not saying the island isn't special, just that Locke's condition might not be physical.

Libby: She's a compulsive liar. She never skied in Aspen. She's not a clinical psychologist. Though I do think she honestly has a thing for Hurley. Speaking of Hurley...

Hurley: I don't think the numbers are cursed. I think Hurley's good luck/bad luck is his special gift (more about this later). Like an entropic field that protects Hurley, but causes bad luck to the folks around him (like I dunno... a plane crash)

The Others: They may not be the bad guys they appear to be. I know they are a little off and they have seemingly done some "evil" things, but they might have a reason they feel is necessary for the greater good (sic).
I also think they are trapped on the island as well. I think thye have a small town or fort on the island. I don't think it will necessarily be another hatch.

The food drop: I don't think this actually came from the air. I know, I know it had a parachute and flashing light, but I think there is more to the island then what we see above ground.

The "Monster": Like a lot of people I'm going to jump on the nanite band wagon and say there isn't much else technologically speaking it could be. Of course it could be a supernatural phenomena... maybe even a living creature.
I think that if it is indeed a security system (implying technology) then it's composed of more than one "part" and the smoke we see is a recon/sensor mechanism and the larger bulk is subterranean like a subway train.

The Sickness: The mysterious illness is a mental disease not a physical one.

As for the big picture I am still as LOST as everyone else. Maybe the finale will close a lot of doors and give us a glimpse at the bigger picture of the what and why of this show.