She has always been an artist at heart, but a much more hands on artist than I. No digital for her. No sir. She prefers the feel of a brush in her hands over of a mouse. The past few weeks she has been learning how to paint her art onto rock... Mexican black river rock to be exact. She has gotten quite good at it I think and so far it has been some of her best work to date.
What started as a hobby has turned into a small business for her. She has sold 17 rocks with different critters on them. Everything from cats, dogs and racoons to dragons & polar bears. Very cool stuff.
So of course she needs a website... hey listen I need a web site too!?! Ah well. Some how the ladies always win. So I started putting together something for her. It's a work in progress, but at least the main frame is together with a few bells & whistles. The rest should go live over the next few days.
Take a look and tell me what you think. These "Whimstones" as she calls them make great gifts. (hint hint). Oh and if you like them tell a friend for me would ya? We artist live by word of mouth. Thanks :) ~ Tell a Friend! ;)